Saturday, November 9, 2013

Lords and Ladies of the Plains…

Potentially too much sugar has been had.

The site has now been updated with some new content:

Executives now have information updated on the About the Execs Page
Special Guests has been updated with Force Start Entertainment!
AMV Contest submission information has been added to Be Involved

So what have the execs been up to lately? 

Well, we had a minor set back with the exact location at the Medicine Hat College.  Due to renovations we have lost the S Wing and are currently scoping out other wings EXCEPT the F Wing.  Our feedback last year really didn’t like that wing and we honestly didn’t like it either.  We want to have a good flow this year so we are very concerned with where we will end up, however, the wings we are looking at are very promising (I’m in favour of the wing that has a perfect corner for our Zombie Maid Cafe!)

Besides that we are still trying hard to become a club at the College so we can gain some much needed benefits for fundraising. 

We are also accepting donations, sponsorships, volunteers and people interested in being executives.  Our staff is running a few less than last year and we would love to have some new input and help.  The 4 Horsemen are doing very well creating this Apocalypse on their own though.  Anyone interested in donating prizes or monetary funding can reach us via our Contact Us form.  If you know of a company that would like to sponsor us in exchange for advertisement space on the website and on our convention programmes that would also be most <Monty Burns Voice>excellent</Monty Burns Voice>.

In the works:

Anime Night at the Monarch!
Online Auction
MHFRU College Club
Website Updating
Lethbridge Expo!
Otafest Aurora (Just visiting no booth – maybe we can play “Where’s Waldo” with the Execs)

That is all my minions!

Krys (Sealed Evil in a Can aka Co-Chairman)

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More to come!


Hello darlings,

So as we can see we have a website.  it’s heavily under construction right now but we will be filling it out as much as possible and as fast as possible in the next few weeks.  We are currently having an issue with the site’s various email addresses that we must correct so we ask that no one fill out any of our forms at this time because we cannot access the information.

Our next meeting will be October 5th with plans to bring some baked goods to the College to taste test and pick what would work well for the sale.  Because it’s October they may be Halloween themed Winking smile

Also, we are going to have an online auction to help raise more funds for MHFRU 14.  If you would like to contribute for now please contact us via Facebook otherwise stay tuned for when the auction is ready to go!

As always suggestions are appreciated!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Congrats to us we are LIVE!


Welcome to the first official live site post! 

Well…first for our new and hopefully improved site.  My name is Krys and I’m the Co-Chairman aka Sealed Evil in a Can aka site admin.  We hope you find the new site to be more easily navigable (har har for all you special word lovers who make the water connection to that lame nautical joke…get it? Navigable – water – mermaid theme.  Oh I’m so funny).

In the coming days, weeks and months we will be updating and filling out the site more and more as information, events, meetings, and anything else relevant for everyone to know crops up.

I’d like to thank Eric Proctor for use of his image “Part of Your No” as our background temporarily while we get Neoko all dressed up and ready for mermaidism.  I’m sure she’s thrilled as she seems to really love to cosplay.

Ciao for now and remember our next meeting is September 14th!


Friday, August 16, 2013

No one is still here…

I know no one is, as yet, using this site but I thought once it launches evidence that things happened would be nice.

Next meeting is August 31st 6:30pm at the MHC College: Room TBA.

Topics of discussions:

What we want to see – ideas from everyone
Fundraising ideas (personal note: team up with Monarch for a Halloween Haunted House/Helsing or some other Anime night showing?)
Otafest Aurora – Can we do a booth swap? (Artist Ally applications are already closed and we don’t have anything to offer as a vendor)
Food options (Tsuki 2013 and 2014 but who else?)
Product selling – thoughts?
Better money handling
Job positions delegated/explained
This website!?

In the future it would be a good idea to include our “hoped for” topics of discussion to entice new blood to come visit us.  I’m personally running low on AB+ and…oh wait, not what was meant…

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Still experimenting...

Greetings! I'm also experimenting on this page to see if I can add and edit posts on the blog :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Trying Something New

Hello, As there is no one here yet this is a test. I am creating my own Medicine Hat Fan Round Up website and linking a blog that all the execs can post to into it. I'm only playing right now and it is currently attached to my personal-never-used-domain Tailored Phoenix Keep watching :)