Wednesday, September 18, 2013

More to come!


Hello darlings,

So as we can see we have a website.  it’s heavily under construction right now but we will be filling it out as much as possible and as fast as possible in the next few weeks.  We are currently having an issue with the site’s various email addresses that we must correct so we ask that no one fill out any of our forms at this time because we cannot access the information.

Our next meeting will be October 5th with plans to bring some baked goods to the College to taste test and pick what would work well for the sale.  Because it’s October they may be Halloween themed Winking smile

Also, we are going to have an online auction to help raise more funds for MHFRU 14.  If you would like to contribute for now please contact us via Facebook otherwise stay tuned for when the auction is ready to go!

As always suggestions are appreciated!


Sunday, September 8, 2013

Congrats to us we are LIVE!


Welcome to the first official live site post! 

Well…first for our new and hopefully improved site.  My name is Krys and I’m the Co-Chairman aka Sealed Evil in a Can aka site admin.  We hope you find the new site to be more easily navigable (har har for all you special word lovers who make the water connection to that lame nautical joke…get it? Navigable – water – mermaid theme.  Oh I’m so funny).

In the coming days, weeks and months we will be updating and filling out the site more and more as information, events, meetings, and anything else relevant for everyone to know crops up.

I’d like to thank Eric Proctor for use of his image “Part of Your No” as our background temporarily while we get Neoko all dressed up and ready for mermaidism.  I’m sure she’s thrilled as she seems to really love to cosplay.

Ciao for now and remember our next meeting is September 14th!
